
Friday May 16, 2014
Friday May 16, 2014
The Freedom Report podcast delves into the issue of a court in Ohio that demanded a man stop having kids because he isn't paying child support. Asim Taylor owes $100,000 for his four children and an appeals court upheld the sentence which some are calling a violation of his right to happiness.
TLR contributor Sarah Miller and Associate Editor Ian Huyett debate the issue of "deadbeat dads," and question whether or not a man really should be required to pay child support at all, considering that men have no right to decide whether a woman will have the child or not.
Also, is circumcision ethical, or even medically necessary? A three year old boy is on the chopping block in Florida after a mother decided she changed her mind about having the procedure performed on him. The father is demanding that doctors snip the tip allegedly not for religious reasons.
Associate editor Huyett argues it's a medically necessary procedure that parents should have the final say over, but male genital expert Miller decries it as a form of child abuse. What does editor Austin Petersen think? You'll have to listen to all that and more on this very special "Battle Royale" episode of the Freedom Report podcast!
Associate Editor's Note: The empirical study cited by Huyett about the purported benefits of male circumcision is here. Also, in reference to the debate over whether Jesus was circumcised, Huyett would ask interested parties to consult the Bible, specifically Luke 2:21.
Editor's Note: Arguments for the defense of female circumcision are here, here, and here.